Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Miss You

I miss you you you you (emm bosanla xtao nk buat ape)

ERghhhh miss youuu

Everyday, she keep on telling me the same thing, it has grown up !! huhu. aww nak balik nak balik.

besar lagi, besar lagi nanti buat sateyyy. yes!

I Miss You Mirmoooooo~

yes ! lompat lagi mirmo, yuhhuuu..
T___T (rindu a...hmm)

ok...x lahh,, actually, I miss him =((

you know how much I love you. I'll be by your side, em not really nearby you but, I'll be around you. tu pon x sesuai kot, I'll be your kekasih gelap la sesuai kot. Miss you bro

Saturday, June 19, 2010

nak pi ke tanak..


lap2 skit, hembus2, spray mane yg patot..orait, dah glitter blik blog ak.hihi. maaf ye sume lama x ON. BZ lah. BZ nak kawen ..huhhuuhu. ok isnin ni ade interview kt Infineon Melaka. tp sampai lani ak xtao la nk pi ke x. tadi ade sorg kawan call, 

kawan : ''wei, si Wan da pi senin lepas, ko isnin ni ke?''
saya : ''a'ah la senin ni kn tadi da ckp. hmm.''
kawan : ''Wan ckp org tu tanye ape itu INSEP, pasal subject ko blaja n bla bla, electronics skit,n bla bla"
saya : "ok. mcm xnk pi je bile dgr ko ckp camtu"
kawan : "ko memg. Senget. "

ok thanks dude untk SENGET tu. the prob is, xpsl ak g nanti blur n xtao ape. uhh. hmm nk pi ke tanak..